Sun God Stretch (Partner Assisted)

Mobility Stretching

  • Assume the lunge position with a pad under the back knee. Shoulders, hips, and knee are square.
  • Set the hips (eliminate anterior pelvic tilt) by flexing both the glutes and the core. Don’t allow your torso to drift forward when setting your hips. Keep your shoulders, hips, and knees square.
  • Grip a dowel with the same side hand as your back leg. (if your right leg is back, grip with right hand) Use this dowel to support your weight throughout the stretch.
  • Lean forward into the stretch. Take a deep breath. On exhaling, the partner will lift the back foot off of the ground until resisted.
  • Take another deep breath. Push the raised foot up into the partner’s palm (up) by using your hamstrings when you exhale
  • Take another deep breath. Push the raised foot into the partner’s palm (down) by using your quadriceps when you exhale.
  • Take a deep breath, and have the partner lift the foot up again on exhaling. Repeat until maximum depth in the stretch is achieved. Remember to continue breathing throughout the movements.
  • The partner needs to take caution while assisting with the stretch, very small movements can cause intense stretches that could result in injury.
  • You should feel this stretch in your quadriceps and hip flexors.

Calf Stretch

  • Place your foot into the inclined step, square your hips, and set your hips (eliminate anterior pelvic tilt) by flexing both the glutes and core.
  • Grab the rack in front of you, and pull your body forward into the stretch. Keep your hips set and allow your back foot to come up off the ground. Hold the position while taking 3 deep breaths.
  • Your hips, knee, and shoulder on the stretching side should remain square throughout the movement.
  • You should feel this stretch very deeply in your calf. This is an intense stretch.


Calf Stretch with knee bend

  • Place your foot into the inclined step, and allow your knee to bend slightly. Keep your hips set by flexing the core and glutes.
  • Push forward into the stretch, trying to touch your shin to your toes (it shouldn’t happen but that is where you want to push) while keeping your hips square.
  • Take 3 deep breaths while you hold the position, relax and return to the top.
  • On the 2nd and 3rd reps of this stretch, lean either left or right to isolate the two sides of your calf muscle, keep these leans very slight. Not very much movement is required to begin isolating the side of your calf.
  • Take 3 deep breaths at the bottom of these stretches and then return to the top.
  • This stretch should also be felt in the calf very intensely.